Keeping the air inside. Why? Air loss impacts vehicle handling, braking, safety, fuel economy, and tire life. Low tire pressure is costly, unsafe and not fuel-efficient: The solution is to maintain
the air inside the tire while “in-use” for optimum performance.
Today, transportation accounts for about 25 percent of global energy related CO2 emissions. As more people around the world gain access to personal mobility, meeting the demand for lower-emission fuels solutions will be essential for a lower GHG emission future. Air that stays inside the tire can help. The Inflation Pressure Loss Rate (IPLR) test is a standard method to determine the rate at which the tire will lose pressure. Low IPLR means good air retention, which helps keep the original tire performance and improve vehicle handling. As the mobility sector shifts to more electric and autonomous drive systems, air retention becomes more important than ever.
Exxon™ butyl rubber is the top-notch solution for designing efficient innerliner compounds that will allow you to optimize the driving range of EVs, as well as the fuel economy and CO2 emissions of ICE vehicles.

Which layer is key to keeping the air in the tire?
Which transportation sector emits the most CO2 emissions?
Environmental pressure and fuel efficiency demands force the automotive industry to work to decrease CO2 emissions continuously.