Surfactant intermediates: Alcohols and linear alpha olefins (LAO)
Our hydrophobes are key intermediates for surfactant manufacturers as they synthesize derivatives used in many applications.
As a global independent producer, we are strategically committed to the surfactants sector with an integrated product offering through our Elevexx™ linear alpha olefins, our Exxal™ branched alcohols and Exxal 1315 LE, our linear efficient alcohol with the benefits of slight branching.
As a global independent producer, we are strategically committed to the surfactants sector with an integrated product offering through our Elevexx™ linear alpha olefins, our Exxal™ branched alcohols and Exxal 1315 LE, our linear efficient alcohol with the benefits of slight branching.
Performance advantages for Exxal-based surfactants
The structure of each of our alcohols offer performance advantages such as: