Fact sheet: Extreme Performance laminated and non-laminated freezer films

Our portfolio of performance polymers allow converters to tailor the toughness, sealing capabilities, stiffness and clarity of the film to the specific needs of each application. Exceed XP – when eXtreme Performance matters − offers an unrivaled combination of extreme toughness and stiffness, elevated sealing capabilities and enhanced processability. Exceed offers superior performance by delivering excellent mechanical and sealing properties, combined with best-in-class optical properties. Enable delivers optimum solutions by combining excellent processing and bubble stability with higher alpha olefin (HAO) properties.

ExxonMobil’s polyethylene (PE) portfolio, including Exceed™ XP, Exceed™ and Enable™ performance polymers, delivers laminated and non-laminated freezer films with exceptional integrity that can withstand very low temperatures for less food waste.

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